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Alte Schreibmaschine mit einem Blatt Papier, auf dem Tutorial getippt ist

Hello and welcome to the Tutorial-Site of the ATool!

Let's assume you have spent time abroad and studied there. Today you are studying at the Heinrich Heine University and are wondering whether you can have exams, internships or similar achievements that you completed there credited to your studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.  Or you are already studying at the PhilFak of the HHU and would like to have a BN retroactively registered. Is that possible?

 The Answer is: Yes!

The ATool is a digital credit transfer procedure of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Heinrich Heine University and allows you to have various achievements from abroad,  from within Germany or within the HHU credited to you with just a few clicks.

Here's how:

Before using the ATool, please contact the accreditation officer responsible for your degree programme and clarify for which modules you can have your achievements credited.

You can then access the ATool at https://atool.phil.hhu.de. After you have logged in with your university ID and matriculation number, you can submit your application for accrediation, which will be processed by the responsible accreditation officer.

More questions?

If you need basic information on topics such as BNs, Profilbildung, etc., our Basic Tutorials will help you.

Under the menu item "ATool Tutorials" you will find concrete step-by-step instructions for the various credit transfer options. These include HHU-internal achievements, such as the accreditation of a proof of participation (BN), as well as achievements you have made at other universities or colleges in Germany or abroad.

Do you have a more specific question? Then our FAQ is just the thing for you.

We are also here for you in our regular Rocketchat consultation hours!


We are also here for you in our regular Rocketchat consultation hours!

Basic Tutorials

During your studies you collect credit points, also called CP. These stand for the amount of work you do in the individual courses of your degree programme. Depending on the degree programme, you also have to collect credits in the so-called Profilbildung/FÜW. Here you can attend inter-institutional and inter-faculty events or courses at the Student Academy. You can find out whether your degree programme includes an FÜW in the subject-specific appendix to the examination regulations. Click here for the video.

Your performance overview can be found in the student portal under your study file and your examination results. It is an overview of your previous achievements with grades, date, PNR (examination number) and the module in which you took the examination. Click here for the video.

The subject-specific appendix contains the most important information about your degree programme at a glance. You can find it in your examination regulations on the website of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Then you will find the subject-specific appendices for the respective degree programmes in appendix 1. Further information on the modules in your degree programme can be found in the module handbook. Click here for the video.

You need the LSF ID of your course, also known as the event ID, for recognition of BN credits or for queries about BN registrations. It consists of six numbers and is the unique number of your course in the electronic course catalogue HIS-LSF.  You can find it in the course description in the HIS-LSF. Click here for the video

You need the BN examination number (BN-Pnr) for the digital BN registration. It consists of four numbers and indicates to which module the BN can be assigned.  You can find the BN-Pnr in the module description in the module handbook of your degree programme and in the selection list for BN registration. As soon as the BN has been booked to your performance record, you will see the BN-Pnr next to the course in your performance overview in the student portal. Click here for the video.

The TE status, also known as proof of participation, is a documented proof of a course that you have taken part in. You need it, among other things, for the accreditation of a participation certificate (BN) for a course. You can easily create a TE certificate for a course you have attended via the student portal or the HIS-LSFClick here for the video.

ATool Tutorials

The BN accrediation of the ATool is useful to retroactively register a BN that was not registered in the normal way for various reasons. To do this, you will need the BN certificate for the course or the TE status, which is entered in the student portal and in the HIS-LSF, if you have successfully taken part in a course. You will also need the corresponding LSF ID. You should also have the BN-Pnr of the module and your transcript of records ready and contact the accrediation officer responsible for your degree programme before using the ATool. Click here for the video.



If you have studied abroad at another college or university or have completed other work, such as internships, you can have this accredited for your degree programme at Heinrich Heine University using the ATool. After you have entered the name and location of the institution, you can also enter the duration of your stay abroad. Furthermore, you can indicate whether you participated in a funded mobility programme, such as ERASMUS. Then you have to select the module for which you would like to have your work accredited. In a final step, it is essential that you upload the certificates of your achievements abroad in the appropriate place. You will soon be able to watch the video here.

If you have studied at another college or university in Germany or have completed similar work, such as internships, you can have this work accredited using the ATool. To do this, you need to select the name of the institution and your degree programme at Heinrich Heine University for which you would like to request accreditation. Then you can specify which type of achievement, e.g. proof of participation (BN), you would like to have recognised and select the corresponding module of your degree programme. In the end, all you have to do is upload the relevant certificates. You will soon be able to watch the video here.

During the process of recognising an achievement using the ATool, a CSV file is generated and sent to you in an e-mail. This file contains a tabular overview of the data you have entered, such as your matriculation number, your degree programme and your examination regulations, as well as the module number and the module name of the course for which you have requested accreditation. The CSV file is also sent to the relevant accreditation officer and can then be processed. You can find out how to work with a CSV file in this video.


Answer: A BN accreditation is only the subsequent entry of the participation certificate. A BN transfer, on the other hand, refers to the process of transferring an existing credit to another BN-Pnr.

Answer: It is the case that with the PO 2018, the CP per module are distributed over several components, such as three BN performances and a module final examination. Therefore, it is not possible for most degree programmes to recognise a module completely with one examination performance.

Exception: The interdisciplinary compulsory elective area (FÜW) can be recognised as a lump sum with Pnr. 7199 for 18 ECTS. Further exceptions are the subject modules in history and basic module 4 in the supplementary subject Yiddish language, culture and literature. Here, the CP are credited through the module final examination (AP).

Answer: Microsoft Office Excel and Libre Office Calc can be used to open CSV files. You can find out how to open the CSV file from ATool in UTF-8 format in this video tutorial.

Answer: The ATool is only available to students at HHU who are studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. If you are a first-year student or a second-year student and are studying a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you can use the ATool. Erasmus students from other universities who spend a semester abroad here at HHU cannot use the ATool. Please contact your ERASMUS representative in your subject or the International Office.

Answer: When you click on Send, an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address of the university ID from the login and also to the e-mail address of the accreditation officer of the respective degree programme.

The responsible accreditation officer checks the application and the documents:

If everything is OK, the email is forwarded to the relevant SPV functional email address. The processing department at the SPV then imports the CSV file into the examination database. The service can then be seen on the service overview. Transfers are made manually by the SPV.

If the application is incomplete or incorrect, feedback is sent to the student by e-mail to correct and resubmit the application.

Typically, the processing time after sending is 2~4 weeks. If this is greatly exceeded, please contact your accreditation officer to check if everything is in order.

Answer: If you want to have a participation certificate for the Profilbildung/FÜW credited, you must have your performance overview ready at the beginning of your application. This video tutorial explains where you can find it.

First of all, please check whether you already have achievements in the Profilbildung/FÜW on your performance overview. You will find them in the range 7110 to 7599. Please make a note of this BN-Pnr.

Now look in the LSF or on your transcript of records to see how many credit points (CP) you have received for the work you would like to have accredited.

In the ATool, first enter your degree programme. If you are studying a core subject with a supplementary subject, you enter your core subject for the Profilbildung/FÜW in the ATool.

Then select "BN-Nachtrag" as the reason for your accreditation and "Beteiligungsnachweis (BN)" as the type of achievement.

When you select the module, scroll down until you reach BN-Pnr 7100 - Fachübergreifender Wahlpflichtbereich.

Note: Please select a module that corresponds to the CP number of your performance and whose Bn-Pnr is not yet listed on your performance overview. If you would like to have several certificates of participation recognised for the Profilbildung/FÜW, please make sure that you only select "free" BN-Pnrs, i.e. only those BN-Pnrs that you have not already selected for other achievements or courses in the current semester in the student portal.

Answer: If you want to receive credit for a participation certificate from the Student Academy for the Profilbildung/FÜW, you must have your performance overview ready at the beginning of your application. This video tutorial explains where you can find it.

First of all, please check whether you have already been credited with achievements from the Student Academy's programme for the Profilbildung/FÜW. You will find them in the range 7500 to 7595. Please make a note of this BN-Pnr.

Now look in the LSF or on your transcript of records to see how many credit points (CP) you have received for the course you would like to have accredited.

In the ATool, first enter your degree programme. If you are studying a core subject with a supplementary subject, you enter your core subject for the Profilbildung/FÜW in the ATool.

Then select "BN-Nachtrag" as the reason for your recognition and "Beteiligungsnachweis (BN)" as the type of achievement.

When you select the module, scroll down until you reach BN-Pnr 7500 - Studierendenakademie.

Note: Please select a module that corresponds to the CP number of your performance and whose Bn-Pnr is not yet listed on your performance overview. If you would like to have several certificates of participation recognised for the Profilbildung/FÜW, please make sure that you only select "free" BN-Pnrs, i.e. only those BN-Pnrs that you have not already selected for other achievements or courses in the current semester in the student portal.

Answer: You can change the resolution of the video tutorials by clicking on the cogwheel symbol on the right-hand side of the video bar. To view the video tutorial in good quality, it is best to select "high quality (720 p)". This setting is then automatically applied to all other videos in the media library that you want to watch.

If there is no English title in the LSF for the course for which you would like to receive credit, please contact the relevant lecturer or the LSF administration of the respective institute or institution (Studium Universale, Studierendenakademie, etc.). If the lecturers cannot help you and you do not know who is responsible for the LSF administration, please ask the respective management at the institute or institution.

If there is no English title in LSF, the lecturers or LSF administrators should please add this to LSF.

If only the English title is displayed in both fields, everything is OK. This is because the field German title contains the title in the original language (e.g. also in English or Spanish or French), this does not necessarily have to be in German.

If you would like to have your course accredited from abroad or from a different place in Germany and you do not have an English translation, our suggestion as a simple solution for English translations of a course is the following spelling: First word with capital letters, everything else lower case, except proper names and "I".

In addition, you can indicate in the "Sonstige Anmerkungen" field in the ATool that the translation was missing and that you have implemented the above steps.

If your browser is not working properly, certain fields may not be displayed in the ATool or you may not be able to see a large part of the modules. To solve this problem, you can call up the ATool in incognito mode.

You can activate the incognito mode in Chrome by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + N and in Firefox by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + P.

If the problem persists, please contact the accreditation officer for your degree programme or the IKM.


Complete error message: "This module has already been added. Please select another module or edit/delete the existing module from the list".

This error message is displayed if the course you want to be credited for has already been booked under this BN-Pnr for another course. Since each course has its own BN-Pnr, each four-digit BN-Pnr may only be selected once per degree programme in the ATool.

No, only students of the Faculty of Humanities can use the ATool.

Answer: If you studied at a university or institution in Germany that does not appear in the ATool, you can enter "Other" in the field under "At which institution (university/college) did you complete your work? Two new windows will then appear: "Original name" and "English name". Here you can now manually enter the institution at which you studied.

Answer: The correct answer to this question is the deciding factor: "Where did you perform your work?" Please select the answer "Inland" for achievements from another university or institution in Germany. If your work was done abroad, for example for a semester or internship abroad, please choose the answer "Ausland". This also applies if this work has already been accredited for your previous studies at the HHU. Please only select "HHU (intern)" for work that you actually completed at the HHU. This is important so that the achievements can be correctly recorded in the system for the university statistics.
You can apply separately for domestic, international and HHU (internal) applications using the ATool. This means, for example, if you have completed work abroad and at the HHU that you would like to have accredited, please submit two separate applications, one for abroad and one for HHU (internal).

Answer: The correct answer to this question is the deciding factor: "Where did you perform your work?" Please select the answer "Inland" for achievements from another university or institution in Germany. If your work was done abroad, for example for a semester or internship abroad, please choose the answer "Ausland". This also applies if this work has already been accredited for your previous studies at the HHU. Please only select "HHU (intern)" for work that you actually completed at the HHU. This is important so that the achievements can be correctly recorded in the system for the university statistics.
You can apply separately for domestic, international and HHU (internal) applications using the ATool. This means, for example, if you have completed work abroad and at the HHU that you would like to have accredited, please submit two separate applications, one for abroad and one for HHU (internal).

Answer: The correct answer to this question is the deciding factor: "Where did you perform your work?" Please select the answer "Inland" for achievements from another university or institution in Germany. If your work was done abroad, for example for a semester or internship abroad, please choose the answer "Ausland". This also applies if this work has already been accredited for your previous studies at the HHU. Please only select "HHU (intern)" for work that you actually completed at the HHU. This is important so that the achievements can be correctly recorded in the system for the university statistics.
You can apply separately for domestic, international and HHU (internal) applications using the ATool. This means, for example, if you have completed work abroad and at the HHU that you would like to have accredited, please submit two separate applications, one for abroad and one for HHU (internal).

If you have problems uploading the files, such as the performance overview, check the following things:
Is the file name of the performance overview the same as when you originally created it as a PDF?
In addition, are all certificates in either .PDF or .JPG format?

If all files meet these requirements, there should be no problems, but if there is still an error, feel free to contact us in Rocketchat.

The LSF-ID video tutorial explains how you can log in to LSF and easily view the information from the enrolments of previous semesters under "My Lectures".

If you used to have a different matriculation number at the HHU, you will unfortunately no longer be able to view this data yourself in LSF. Please send an informal e-mail from your university e-mail account to lsf@hhu.de with the subject line "Please send a list of events from LSF for old matriculation number [please insert your old matriculation number here]" and include your contact details in case there are any queries.

The LSF Support will then send you a performance overview with the LSF ID, title and status by e-mail.

If you are no longer sure what your old matriculation number is (you can find it in your registration documents, for example), the Student Services will help you.

Please select "HHU-Intern" in the ATool and then "Rebooking of an existing service / AP supplement" as the reason for your accreditation. Now please select "Final examination (AP)" under Type of credit. Now please select the module that you would like to have added.

Then enter the same four-digit number under "Original examination number".

Under "Type of final examination", select the appropriate type of examination.

If the AP is ungraded, please tick the box next to "ungraded". Otherwise, you can enter the grade here.

The only thing missing now is the title of the exam credit. Please enter the original title in the field "German title" and the English translation under "English title".