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Enroling for doctoral studies

As soon as you have been provisionally accepted as a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you can enrol at Heinrich Heine University at any time.

These are two separate registration steps! You are not bound by the semester deadlines.

You have the choice:
You can enrol either as a doctoral student or as a doctoral auditor. To do so, please contact the Student and Examination Administration (see contact box on the right).
Please note: As soon as you are enrolled either as doctoral student or as doctoral auditor you have accident insurance cover during your working hours at HHU.

Please tick:
In your application for enrolment, please tick "HHU-internal graduate school" under item 9 "Participation in a structured doctoral programme". This refers to your automatic affiliation with the Graduate Academy philGRAD, which enables you to take advantage of all philGRAD offers since your provisional acceptance as a doctoral researcher.

At the latest when you are finally accepted as a doctoral student, you are obliged to enrol as a doctoral student or as a doctoral auditor at Heinrich Heine University. According to the doctoral regulations of 16.10.2017 §6, para. 4, this obligation exists until the completion of your doctorate.

If you are enroled as a doctoral researcher, you have student status, accident insurance cover during your working hours at HHU and are entitled to the NRW Ticket, with which you can use all the local transport buses, trams and trains in North Rhine-Westphalia free of charge. You will receive a university identifier which allows you to access IT services at HHU (email account, literature databases etc.), you can use the specialist libraries and pay reduced student prices in the canteen. Under certain circumstances, it may be possible as a doctoral researcher to obtain cheaper cover from your health insurer. The social contribution fee for enrolment fee is currently € 309,91 per semester.

Enrolment for German candidates and non-mobile foreign students with a German higher education entrance qualification or a German bachelor and master degree

For enrolment, please complete the online form below and send it together with the documents listed on the Enrolment Information Sheet to the Student and Examination Office.

Online enrolment for German candidates and non-mobile foreign students with a German higher education entrance qualification or a German bachelor and master degree

Enrolment for candidates without a German higher education entrance qualification or a foreign bachelor or master degree


For enrolment, please complete the form below and send or bring it together with the documents listed on the Enrolment Information Sheet to the Student and Examination Office. After approval of your documents you will receive a letter of admission by the Student and Examination Office, which will allow you to enrol. Please do not pay the social contribution fee before receiving the letter of admission.

If you are enroled as an Auditing Doctoral Student (Promotionshörer), you are not entitled to the NRW Ticket or student prices in the canteen. Nevertheless, as "Promotionshörer" you are eligable to doctoral studies and you have accident insurance coverage during your working hours at HHU. In addition you will receive a university identifier which allows you to access IT services at HHU (email account, literature databases etc.) and can use the specialist libraries.

The enrolment fee is currently € 50 per semester.

For enrolment as an Auditing Doctoral Student (Promotionshörer), please complete the following form (print out as PDF file) and send it or hand it in together with the documents listed on the form to the Student and Examination Office.

The re-registration for the summer semester 2021 is open from January 15, 2021 - March 15, 2020. The social contribution fee for doctoral students is €309,91, for "Promotionshörer" it's €50. Please wire transfer the social contribution to the following bank account:

Recipient: Heinrich-Heine-Universität
IBAN: DE55 3005 0000 0004 0011 11
Reference: Enrolment number, first name & family name

You can check your re-registration status at: https://studierende.uni-duesseldorf.de

Note: For technical reasons, it is essential that you enter these data in the reference field exactly as requested above.

You can also pay the semester fee by debit card at the Student Services Centre (Geb. 21.02).