Recognition of completed courses and similar
If you switch from a different subject or university and would like to have completed courses recognised for your new subject, please contact the course recognition advisors listed below.
Students whose study programmes are governed by exam regulation versions from 2018 or later should use the new course recognition tool ATool for this.
You can find detailed information about the recognition of courses, etc. that you have completed outside Germany here. This information is primarily aimed at the contacts who complete the course recognition process but it is also relevant for all interested students who want to find out more about e.g. the so-called Learning Agreement before undertaking a stay abroad. A grade calculator is also available (via the HHU Intranet) to assist you with the conversion of grades from other countries, which can be complicated in some cases.
You can find the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators for the individual subjects here.
- Kunstgeschichte:
- BWL:
- BA Japanese Studies:
- MA Japanese Studies:
- Dr. Jasmin Pfeifer
Secretary's Office
- BA Social Sciences - Media, Politics, Society:
- MA Social Sciences - Social Structure:
- Minor subject Sociology: Dr. Melanie Reddig